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Connected lighting, shades, and hand-crafted controls that elevate everyday life.
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Visit our Control Center of Excellence for tools and resources to help you select, install, and use LEDs with confidence. Designed for homeowners and industry professionals.
The resources listed below provide suggested, code compliant solutions based on total installed cost, simplicity of design, and basic functional needs for the space. The solutions provided below represent one of multiple compliant options to meeting lighting and receptacle control requirements. These solutions are based on Lutron’s interpretation of the energy code and are not meant to replace your state’s, province’s or local jurisdiction’s official energy code.
*Required in new construction and in retrofits when receptacles are modified as part of the retrofit.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers Inc. (ASHRAE) and the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) jointly sponsor the ASHRAE/ IESNA Standard 90.1, “Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings." An updated version of ASHRAE 90.1 is released every three years. The latest version is ASHRAE 90.1-2016. Lutron actively participates in the development of this standard by not only advocating for increased energy efficiency, but also voicing the opinions and concerns of our customers.
The International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is part of the “I-Codes” produced by the International Code Council (ICC). An updated version of the IECC is released every three years. The latest version is IECC 2018. Lutron actively participates in the development of this standard by not only advocating for increased energy efficiency, but also voicing the opinions and concerns of our customers.
Since 1978, all new and altered buildings in California are required to meet the minimum efficiency standards defined in California Title 24, Part 6, of the California Energy Commission energy efficiency code.
These standards, which are regarded as the most stringent of all energy codes, were adopted in response to a legislative mandate to reduce California's energy consumption. They help conserve electricity and natural gas and prevent the state from having to build more power plants. ln fact, Title 24 has saved Californians more than $74 billion in reduced electricity bills since 1978. California's per capita electricity usage has stayed largely flat since the mid-70s, largely due to the Title 24 energy efficiency standard, while the average American's went up by 50%.
The 2019 version of the standard became effective on January 1, 2020. All newly constructed or altered commercial and residential buildings in the state of California must comply with the 2019 standard, including all the mandatory lighting control requirements.
The biggest changes in the commercial lighting arena are:
The biggest changes in the residential lighting arena are:
1Dimmers and LED lighting must comply with NEMA SSL 7A which ensures the dimmer and LED light work together.
2Lamps installed in recessed ceiling downlights, screw-in lamps, and LED lamps must comply with Title 24 Joint Appendix 8 (JA8) which ensures high efficiency, nice color characteristics, long life, 10% dimming, and low levels of audible noise and flicker.
Permanently installed lighting in kitchens must be high-efficacy lighting. JA8 lights (non-colored LEDs, screw-based bulbs and recessed ceiling downlights) must be controlled by occupancy sensors, vacancy sensors, or dimmers.
Lighting installed in these rooms of the home shall be high efficacy, and JA8 lights (non-colored LEDs, screw-based bulbs and recessed ceiling downlights) shall be controlled by either dimmers, occupancy sensors, or vacancy sensors.
Lighting installed in attached and detached garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms shall be high-efficacy and At least one luminaire in each of these spaces must be controlled by occupancy or vacancy sensors.
For single-family residential buildings, outdoor lighting permanently mounted to a building must be high efficacy and controlled with manual on/off switch plus one of the following:
Disclaimer:This website summarizes the CA Title 24 2019 lighting control requirements for residential buildings. It is for information purposes only. For complete and precise details refer to Section 150.0 (k) of the California Title 24 2019 Building Energy Efficacy Standards.
Pico wireless controls Maestro Wireless dimmers and switches seeTouch QS wallstations GRAFIK Eye QS
Maestro occupancy /vacancy switch sensor Los C Series wired occupancy sensor Radio Powr Savr wireless occupancy sensor QS timeclock
Lutron Solutions Stairwell fixtures LOS W Series wired occupancy sensor Radio Powr Savr wireless occupancy sensor
Radio Powr savr wireless daylight sensor Wired daylight sensor
Vive Energi Savr Node solutions Quantum
Limelight Lutron Solutions XPS LCP 128 Energi Savr Node Solutions Quantum
Lutron Services Co.
Vive Energi Savr Node Solutions Quantum
20A PowPak relay module 20A Energi Savr Node with Softswitch XP switching module Wireless Receptacle
Call the California Energy Commission (CEC): Inside California +1.800.772.3300 Outside California +1.916.654.5106
Visit the CEC website at
Today's innovative buildings are designed to be sustainable, flexible and energy efficient. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a rating system the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) administers to provide a national standard for what constitutes a green building. LEED offers scientific performance criteria and a point system for LEED project certification. Many businesses have programs to ensure all their facilities are LEED compliant, through new construction and renovation programs. Lutron offers leading-edge product solutions for integrated control of electric lighting and daylight, and unsurpassed project support.
Lutron solutions may contribute to obtaining numerous points in LEED v4 for New Construction and Major Renovations (LEED v4) credit categories. To achieve LEED certification, a minimum of 40 points is required. Lutron lighting control can contribute toward attaining important LEED certification points in six of the seven credit categories. See Lutron’s LEED v4 Brochure.
Eliminate light trespass from the site and building, improve night sky access, and reduce your development's impact on nocturnal environments. Use window treatments and switching to keep lighting within the building, which prevents light pollution at night. Reduce light levels and reach acceptable uniformity ratios by dimming lights.
Outfitting your project with lighting controls helps reduce the negative environmental effects associated with excessive energy usage. Using lighting control can conserve 60% or more in lighting energy and 20% or more in HVAC energy. Lutron systems provide many energy-saving strategies. To garner the maximum points this category provides, Lutron controls are critical.
LEED also evaluates your project's internal environment. In multi-occupant spaces, provisions must be made for high level HVAC and lighting system controls. These controls promote comfort, productivity, and well being amongst the building's occupants.
You can also provide a connection between indoor spaces and the outdoors through the introduction of daylight and views to the outside into the regularly occupied areas of the building.
Provide design teams and projects the opportunity to be awarded points for exceptional performance above the requirements set by the LEED Rating System and/or innovative performance in Green Building categories not specifically addressed by LEED. Lutron project teams will help you implement your innovative ideas by incorporating the latest lighting controls into your design.
Many building rating systems today are focused on reducing a building’s negative impact on the environment. The Living Building Challenge (LBC) is a certification tool managed by the International Living Future Institute (ILFI) which promotes projects to become truly regenerative and leave a positive impact on the environment. The Living Building Challenge contains seven Petals, or categories comprised of multiple Imperatives, or requirements (20 in total). The Petals that make up the LBC include Place, Water, Energy, Health and Happiness, Materials, Equity and Beauty.
Lutron lighting and shade controls can contribute toward meeting imperatives within three of the seven Petal categories.
The Living Building Challenge standard along with each of the Petal Handbooks, detailing the requirements of each Imperative including any applicable exceptions, and detailed documentation requirements can be found on the ILFI website.
All projects required to meet this imperative must utilize renewable energy sources as well as energy storage for resiliency. To accomplish this, 105% of the projects net annual energy needs must be supplied by on-site renewable energy. One way to help achieve this is through the reduction of the building or site’s energy demand. Using lighting controls can conserve up to 60% or more in lighting energy and 20% or more in HVAC energy when used in coordination with automated shading controls. Lutron systems provide many energy-saving strategies to help make this imperative easier to achieve.
This Imperative is focused around good indoor air quality for occupants. It requires each project to create a Healthy Interior Environment Plan explaining how the project will achieve and maintain a healthy interior environment. One part of this Imperative involves compliance with CDPH Standard Method v1.1-2010. This standard targets products and materials holding the potential to emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Many Lutron shade fabrics are UL Greenguard Gold certified, which is one of the possible methods to comply with this requirement.
Projects are required to avoid using products that have a negative impact on human health and the ecosystem. The Red List contains materials and chemicals to avoid when specifying products for a project that is required to meet this Imperative. Small electrical components may be exempt from these requirements if they are RoHS compliant. Many RoHS-compliant Lutron products can be used to help meet this Imperative.
The WELL Building Standard is a performance based standard that focuses exclusively on human health and wellness as it relates to the built environment. WELL is grounded in science and evidence based design. WELL Certified spaces may help create a built environment that improves the nutrition, fitness, mood, sleep patterns and performance of its occupants. Lutron lighting fixtures, lighting controls, and automated shades can play an essential role in meeting many of the provisions of the standard.
Certification starts with seven concepts that influence human behaviors and define a wellness-focused environment: air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind. Under these concepts there are “features” or provisions which have requirements to be met. Some features are mandatory “preconditions”. Others are optional “optimizations”. There are three levels of WELL Certification: Silver, Gold and Platinum. Silver level certification is achieved by meeting 100 percent of the WELL preconditions applicable to the project type in all concepts. Gold level certification is achieved by meeting all of the WELL preconditions, as well as 40 percent or more of the optimization features. Platinum level certification is achieved by meeting all of the WELL preconditions, as well as 80 percent or more of the optimization features.
Light fixture selection, lighting controls, and window shades play a role in all preconditions and most optimizations in the WELL Light concept. A smart, integrated lighting and shade control solution can specifically help achieve precondition features in Visual Lighting Design (#53), Circadian Lighting Design (#54), and Solar Glare Control (#56), and is essential for optimization features in Automated Shading and Dimming Controls (#60) and Daylight Modeling (#62). Plus, Lutron lighting and shading solutions can contribute to features in the Comfort, Mind, and Innovation concepts. See table below.
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